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Mark Geary Ben Sollee Lucky Pineapple Block The Pass Vandaveer Cheyenne Mize Roy Ruiz Clayton The Fervor The Seedy Seeds Nerves Junior


Louisville Lullabies

Jamie BlockTracklist:
1. In My Balloon- Lucky Pineapple
2. Benjamin- Danny Flanigan
3. Lullabye (by Albert Goldbarth)- Alistair Shell
4. My Baby- Leigh Ann Yost
5. Dream a Little Dream- Justin Lewis with Emily Caudill
6. Shelter for the Night- Arnett Hollow
7. Dream- Carter Wood
8. For My Children: A Lullaby- Ron Whitehead, Harry Pickens
9. Made in Korea (Song for Stinky Pete)- Heidi Howe
10. Down Below- Yardsale
11. All the Pretty Little Horses- Harry Pickens
12. Grey Lady- Sandpaper Dolls
13. Dark and Lovely- Love Jones