Exhibition Schedule

Del Rio's Regal Motel - Paintings by Matt McDole

At The Green Building Gallery
January 20th, 2017 - February 24, 2017

First Friday Trolley Hop and Reception:
February 3rd, 2017 6-9pm
Artist's Reception:

January 20th, 2017, 7pm-10pm



DEL RIO’S REGAL MOTEL is the physical representation of a fictional motel in a city I’ve never visited. The kind of motel that always has more empty rooms than full ones. It has pop culture nods but carries a timeless theme and although it's inherently sweet, it may seem sad, violent, and full of lust at times. People have died there. People have had their hearts broken. It's full of murderers, past lovers, and philosophers. It has a beautiful rose garden and a pool that stays empty all year.


Adrienne graduated with her MFA in Printmaking from Northern Illinois University in 2015. She teaches drawing and printmaking classes and is currently a freelance art handler and installer in Louisville, KY. Her studio work has been exhibited across the U.S. and abroad.

Contemporary Art, Contemporary Artist

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